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I'm addicted really.


it doesn’t work on mobile 


Yay! Game Jam Ending!

(2 edits) (+1)

I didn't design fire, but had zero people & "some more" fled, now counter's down to -10 ...nice logic & I adore the preview of the game while liking the music after the introscreen (more calm than the prev. one)

but also: how could "trees catch fire" if fire isn't an invention?

oh noticed its happiness, after I "ended misery" that I guessed having 0 people on there. but I adore to replay it in more tries, won't get boring rather exciting to have a mood & gills but still no fire invented.

continue playing, possibly mentions "recomment" than recommended as typo?


The people counter is happiness, not population



among us?



they learned to make LOTSA SPAGHETTI





Tried play but it gives me this error: Out of memory. If you are the developer of this content, try allocating more memory to your WebGL build in the WebGL player settings.

no you just need to free up more memory


Congratulations! Your planet is now a game developer! ✨



reject planet. become moon.

Not just any moon, a furry moon! 🌝 Thank you for playing! 🤗

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't really know what I was doing but it was fun 


Glad you had fun! Thank you for the follow! 🐳


i got undead ending

(1 edit)

That's a tough one to get! 🧟


It was the first one I got lol


Man I had that option but I decided against it

Deleted post

Congratulations! Glad that you really enjoyed the game, and that's a fantastic planet you got right there! Which ending was your favourite? That moon one? 🌕



Thank you! 🥰


i like your icon it reminds me of the castle crasher devs 


i like your icon it reminds me of the castle crasher devs 



GREATLY DONE! ✨ Which of the endings was your favourite? 👀


The game one


All of them!!!!!!!

I got all of them too!

(1 edit) (+1)

This reminds me of old html flash games I used to play as kid. Gosh, the nostalgia. I absolutely love it

Thank you! Flash games and their DNA are a huge inspiration for our style of games, so we're really glad you liked it! Cheers! 🐳


"Gamedev ending"

Yes, my favorite. You have done good. Wait... does that mean that someone's playing the game of our world? Enjoy that crisis ;)


We have an inside joke that some of our other games might even be someone's planet in Petty Puny Planet. Who knows? Maybe we are also someone else's planet. 👀 Glad you enjoyed the game! 🤗


dude this game is amazing!

And you're amazing too! ✨


im on EndeavourOS a arch linux distro and i cant move my mouse

using the downloaded version 64 bit just crashes and 32 bit i cant move the mouse

(1 edit)

That's very odd. Thanks for reporting! We'll look into it in the future as we're going to be more hands-on with Linux testing as we begin work in some commercial projects. Thanks, and cheers! 🐳


ive gone too far. i made anime real.

There's a point where we needed to stop and we've clearly passed it.
But let's keep going and see what happens.


this game is literally EPIC...I swear i will try to get a lot of endings.

(also a got a sad 600 year old emo planet lol) 


Thank you! 😊 What endings did you end up getting? 👀

(2 edits) (+1)

my favorite was the undead ending (also the shark was able to be with senpai)


Anime is real

We are all game devs

Sounds like a perfect world to live in. 🐳


how long is this?

(1 edit)

Depends on how many endings you aim to get! One ending should take you only about 10m to get, assuming you check the text and reactions (which we strongly recommend you to given that's where the fun of the game comes from). 😄


what the hell i got a 600yo emo planet. Am I bad? anyway, THEY WON T HAVE MY FIRE

MY SECOND PLANET IS FILLED WITH DRAGONS: this game is perfect. Will play until I got every ending

Glad you had fun with it! Did you end up getting all of the endings after all, and if you did, what was your favourite? 🪐👀


Nerf The Tress They Like Setting Themselves On Fire Too Much


🌲🔥 Someday if we give it a revision we will make sure to revise it!


This game is a lot of Fun because the choice made You Get something Or lose Like Lose Money Or Earn Population


Good to know you had fun with it! 🤗 Did you get any of the endings?


No i dont get any Ending because I Go to The 36 Choice but exit after


I like the game. Had a lot of fun playing it. Also decided to make a video on it. Lots of fun to be had with this one.

(1 edit)

Thank you for making a video on the game! Glad that you had fun playing it! Tried to get any endings other than the Abandonment Ending after you recorded it? 🪐


The trees kept on getting on fire and there's an ice age



Climate change causes some weird things. 😳




I made anime real


I got the poverty ending


Got any of the other endings? 👀


I got the thing where the dudes go to space and colonize it or something


This is fun. I like the endings. Its creative.

Good to know you had fun with it! 🙌 Which of the endings was your favourite? 👀


i did a tiny review of this game here:

Thank you for your review! 🥰

Glad that you liked the different choices of the game with their pop culture references and funny results! A planet dress-up game was exactly the niche we were looking for to fulfil so we're glad that we scratched that itch! 💪


This is such a creative game and absolutely love the references made. The different choices made adding something new to the overall look of the planet is the best. My favorite is the manga/anime. Those big googly eyes! xD

I did a let's play covering the gaming ending and encourage anyone to play this for themselves to see the other endings! <3 


great game and great artwork rlly enjoyed playing


Thank you! Glad that you liked it! Which of the action artworks did you like the most? 👀 


gotta say the beard!


Halo, Im curious about what engine you have used for this project. This is the first time I'm doing webgl and i am researching on how to build it for mobile. So if you are free, would you mind telling me? XD

PS. the game is nice and pretty interesting!

Thank you! Glad you found it nice!

As for the engine, we used Unity and all of the compilation for WebGL was handled by it directly. From our knowledge, WebGL for mobile with Unity still isn't supported for a ton of reasons, such as the exports being a very heavy load right now.

I know the answer came in really late, but we hope you figured out what you were looking for! If you need more answers, feel free to ask! 😄


I'm enjoying it, but wishing there was some sort of overarching log of plants end stats (like a high score list) or achievement list that kept track of which endings you got. I keep going for lycanthropy, but have yet to see it have any affect, even if I add so many moons, lol.


In looking for a list of endings, found your post mortem for this. It was an informative read! I am currently trying to teach myself to make a game, so it was nice insight into the process!

I think figuring out what choices branch into what is an interesting part of the game, so I don't think adding explanations for choices would necessarily be good.


Thank you for the fantastic words! And we're glad that you came across the post-mortem too. In retrospect, we were sure that Lycanthropy had some result associated with it, but it seems like it ended up not having anything assigned. Guess we just wanted an excuse to give it furry-ears. 😅

We've thought about potentially remaking this game a few times (even made two prototypes at different points) and adding in several of the things you've mentioned or which we considered during the post-mortem of the game. For example, for the endings, we considered having little alien-spaceships that would appear on the menu signifying each ending you had unlocked to make it a more interactive "ending checklist". And rather than explaining the choices, we though about making it more clear which values were changed as a result of picking what actions or as a result of an event (which would also include Science and Nature as new variables).

Unfortunately, schedules, other projects and a few other life related matters got in the way and despite even making some assets, we never truly dived much into them. We still hope we can visit this project again sometime to really give it some extra-life, but at this time we're a bit hand-tied with our new big project.

And we're glad to see more folks getting into game development too! The Petty Puny Planet post-mortem is actually just one of the few Development Insights we made back when we were getting into jamming (we posted stuff very frequently then) and since it was only our 3rd short-game, there's a lot of things we had to iron out from there and we improved on in the following games. Even then, if you ever want some advice or anything else regrading gamedev, feel free to reach us out! Here's the best luck to your journey! 🐳


Aww <3  Well, the furry ears are definitely cute.

The offer to help is super sweet, thanks. It's really interesting entering this indie game space, where comments actually reach real humans who can then genuinely respond is just kinda... Mind-blowing. Lol. So thanks for being a friendly... entity early on.


There's also a ton of cool folks and real humans on the high-end side, especially if you use something like Twitter, and they're actually pretty open to inquiries and talking with them as well! Most of the times though, yes, because of the amounts of people and processes involved, company-profiles and the like tend to be a lot colder since they represent way more voices. 

With indie folks, you mostly always have a single person in charge of all of the PR, or even the studio heads (our case) making it much more homogeneous in terms of where we stand, our views and the like, so it ends up feeling more human as a result. But in the end, no matter where you look, we're still all humans working on stuff. 😊


Fair enough. And I should know that. I do have friends in some soft the big companies.

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